About us » HiCandidate™

Wir sind HiCandidate™,
wir sind socialtelligence.

HiCandidate™ is a product of socialtelligence GmbH. socialtelligence stands for the linking of HR, social media and IT. We are the HR social media tech company, the social media tech HR company, the tech HR social media company – or all of them combined.

Willi Schmidt is a Master of Computer Science and largely responsible for the “Magic” of HiCandidate™. While studying computer science, he already refined numerous apps with artificial intelligence. 

Andreas Schöning has more than 25 years of experience in HR consulting (focus on recruitment and employer branding), communications and marketing. In 1993 he founded his first company and since then he has been working as an entrepreneur in the field of HR/communication.

Located in Stuttgart –
Home of

The city of Stuttgart is not only home to culinary delicacies and first-class engineering, but also to fine HR technology. We can do everything – except for High German 😉